Oh, You Will Cross the Road for this Chicken Salad…

I lived in Southern California several years ago.  I have to admit that a foodie like me enjoyed the vast array of cuisines the area had to offer.  One thing that was hard to find, though, was a good ol’ deli.  On the east coast, we just take it for granted that any deli you walked into, you would get quality product.  Out on the west coast, though, they are few and far between.  Unless it’s a transplant from the east running it, chances are slim you’ll be impressed.

My husband did happen to stumble upon one.  Stopping for lunch he had a chicken salad sandwich which in his words, “was to die for”.  It was so simple, too.  Not jammed packed with complex spices or spreads.  He explained to me to the best of his knowledge what was in it and asked if I could make it.

I went to work and here’s what I came up with.  I got the thumbs up from him and it’s become a favorite of those who I have prepared it for over the years.

ChefAimster’s Chicken Salad Recipe

The breast from one rotisserie chicken – diced

2 – 3 tbsps. Mayo

½ cup crushed pineapple w/3 tbsp. Of juice

2 green onions finely chopped

¼ – ½ (depending on size) red bell pepper finely diced

Salt to taste

¼ cup cashew pieces

Mix all ingredients except cashews.  This can be made ahead of time and stored in refrigerator 1 – 2 days.  Mix cashews in right before serving.  Serve on King’s Hawaiian Bread/Dinner Rolls® or in a lettuce cup.


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